Have you ever sat in a billy cart, on top of a hill, anticipating a bumpy and somewhat unsafe journey to the bottom? This gut wrenching feeling is somewhat similar to what we experienced when crafting our first Pet Nat wine. A billy cart and a Pet Nat wine are built in the same workshop! There is no owner’s manual, their success comes from much trial and error and tinkering! The early days generally ended in disaster. Wheels coming off mid-race or bottles exploding and gushing a sea of foam. All ending in disappointment and tears.
Thankfully those early days are behind us. The learning of the past has brought sophistication to the forefront. Billy carts have suspension and reliable steering, and Pet Nat wines now have a perfect fizz and delicate flavours.
Pet Nat White Blend 2022
When the wine ferments to compete dryness, meaning all the sugars from the grapes are converted to alcohol, a small addition of unfermented grape juice is added at the time of bottling. This unfermented juice begins and finishes its fermentation process in the bottle, which creates the bubbles/fizz in this wine.
Zibibbo & Greco