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Terra do Rio White Field Blend

The Terra do Rio White Field Blend is a blend of Arinto and Albariño. Why this blend? Well there is no technical or traditional reasons, but their partnership in this wine suggests that they were meant to be together.

In Australia, Arinto is a relatively unknown with only a handful of plantings in the ground. This white Portuguese grape variety is hardy, capable of withstanding extreme warm weather. The erect growth habit of the vine’s canopy protects the grapes from sunburn. The fruit retains both floral/citrus aromas and natural acids throughout the ripening period and through to the time of harvest.

Terra do Rio White Field Blend

  • Technical

    • Variety

      Arinto & Albariño

    • Alcohol


  • Tasting Notes

    The Blend

    Arinto, Greco & Alvarino

    Harvested on the same day, these grape varieties were co-fermented via the use of natural yeast, which are found in the vineyard and winery.  The wine was then stored in old oak barrels up until bottling.

Byron Noack- 0455 454 905

PO Box 305, Angaston SA 5353

171 Jury Road, Glossop SA 5344

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Liquor Production & Sales Licence 57621700.

The Wacky Grape Wine Company supports the responsible service of alcohol. WARNING Under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 it is an offence: To supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years (penalty exceeds $6000) For a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor. (Penalty exceeds $500).

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